iMichigan Productions

Team Member Bio

Team Member Bio

Fred Johnson Photo
Curriculum Director

Fred Johnson

I have written or co-written over thirty TV episodes (mostly - but not exclusively - situation comedies), served in a variety of writer/producer capacities including “show runner,” and I’ve worked on a nightly news show as well as on a documentary series. In addition, I have an M.S. In Journalism and taught for nearly five years at the university level. These varied professional experiences have helped me identify core skills and principles common to a range of writing genres, exposed me to the demands and rewards of teaching and given me the confidence to accept your invitation to join your team.

I have worked in both multi-camera and single-camera formats as a writer/producer and have written both half-hour and hour-long episodic television. As a “show runner” I’ve supervised a network series employing hundreds and costing over one million dollars per episode. As a reporter for the McNeil-Lehrer Newshour I’ve researched stories, pre-interviewed guests and gone on the road to assist in the production of field reports. I’ve also been involved in extensive post-production work - from editing and sweetening sessions on sitcom episodes, to re-editing and rewriting foreign documentaries for public television. As the paradigms continue to shift and the business models for successful broadcast, theatrical and internet ventures are challenged by economic upheaval and technological change, the content creators and providers of the future will have to think critically, adapt quickly, and reinvent themselves more frequently than was required of previous generations of media professionals. I believe I have demonstrated these qualities throughout my professional life and have much to offer the next generation.

My years as an adjunct teaching Composition and Writing Skills courses at Cal State, Long Beach have given me valuable grounding in education. I understand the value of clear, assessable learning objectives and know how to sequence lessons, assignments, projects and exams to achieve them. I’ve had to construct rubrics, write syllabi and hold conferences to make sure I communicated effectively with my students, and I’ve learned to utilize online resources like Blackboard and wiki spaces to augment classroom instruction. I believe my varied media and classroom experience will provide valuable insight in the construction, implementation and ongoing evaluation of the Flint Youth Film Festival’s Film Appreciation Academy.

Fred Johnson